white pillar candle on silver holder

Професионални масажи и рехабилитация

Индивидуални терапии за облекчение и възстановяване.


Индивидуални терапии за бързо възстановяване след травми.

Възстановяване при: Неврологични и след оперативни състояния


Богато меню от класически и авторски масажни терапии.

Здраве и възстановяване

Професионални масажи и рехабилитация в Сапарева баня.

Hands performing a massage on a person's back, applying pressure to specific points. The setting is bright and calming, with soft focus creating a tranquil atmosphere.
Hands performing a massage on a person's back, applying pressure to specific points. The setting is bright and calming, with soft focus creating a tranquil atmosphere.



Доволни клиенти

Възстановителни терапии

Goldmann Menu

Класически масаж 50 мин.

Уникален масаж изпълнен от кинезитерапевт

75 лв

Специализирани масажни похвати изпълнени от специалист Кинезитерапевт

Дълбокотъканен масаж 50 мин

Авторска комбинация от традиционен дълбокотъканен масаж и шведски масаж за пълен релкс.

90 лв
Арома-релаксиращ масаж 50 мин

Релаксиращ масаж с ароматни масла напълно билкови. 50 мин релакс за сетивата.

80 лв
Лимфодренажен масаж 50 мин

Освободете напрегнатото ежедневие, усетете разликата само от 1 процедура

75 лв
100 лв
Goldmann масаж 75 мин

Авторски масаж с 5 различни вида масажи събран в един+ ставни мобилизации.

Услуги за възстановяване

Предоставяме индивидуални терапии за облекчаване на болки и възстановяване след травми.

Класически масаж

Традиционен масаж за облекчаване на стрес и мускулна болка.

Hands appear to be performing a massage technique on a person's back, with fingers pressing into the back near the shoulders. The person receiving the massage is laying on a soft surface with their face turned to the side.
Hands appear to be performing a massage technique on a person's back, with fingers pressing into the back near the shoulders. The person receiving the massage is laying on a soft surface with their face turned to the side.
insane stick photography
insane stick photography

Специализирани техники за възстановяване и подобряване на подвижността след травми.

Индивидуални терапии

Персонализирани решения за вашето здраве.


A person is receiving a hot stone massage, lying on a massage table with several smooth, dark stones placed along their bare back. A therapist's hand is visible applying pressure to an arm. A pink flower is tucked behind the person's ear, and the setting appears to be a spa environment.
A person is receiving a hot stone massage, lying on a massage table with several smooth, dark stones placed along their bare back. A therapist's hand is visible applying pressure to an arm. A pink flower is tucked behind the person's ear, and the setting appears to be a spa environment.
A person is lying face down on a comfortable surface, receiving a massage from another individual's hands. The setting appears calm and serene, with soft lighting enhancing the relaxed atmosphere. The person receiving the massage has closed eyes, indicating a state of relaxation.
A person is lying face down on a comfortable surface, receiving a massage from another individual's hands. The setting appears calm and serene, with soft lighting enhancing the relaxed atmosphere. The person receiving the massage has closed eyes, indicating a state of relaxation.
A person is lying face down on a massage table, receiving a back massage from another person. The individual receiving the massage has long hair and is wearing a black shirt. The person giving the massage is dressed in a white shirt and has their hands placed on the back of the individual lying down. The setting appears calm and therapeutic.
A person is lying face down on a massage table, receiving a back massage from another person. The individual receiving the massage has long hair and is wearing a black shirt. The person giving the massage is dressed in a white shirt and has their hands placed on the back of the individual lying down. The setting appears calm and therapeutic.

Визуални моменти от нашите терапии и услуги.

Най-добрият! Много внимателен и отговорен! Оценка 10 от 10, да е жив и здрав!

Кирил Копривленски

A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.
A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.
