Професионални масажи и рехабилитация

Индивидуални терапии за облекчение и възстановяване.


Индивидуални терапии за бързо възстановяване след травми.

Възстановяване при: Неврологични и след оперативни състояния


Богато меню от класически и авторрски масажни терапии.

Здраве и възстановяване

Професионални масажи и рехабилитация в Сапарева баня.

Hands performing a massage on a person's back, applying pressure to specific points. The setting is bright and calming, with soft focus creating a tranquil atmosphere.
Hands performing a massage on a person's back, applying pressure to specific points. The setting is bright and calming, with soft focus creating a tranquil atmosphere.



Доволни клиенти

Възстановителни терапии

Услуги за възстановяване

Предоставяме индивидуални терапии за облекчаване на болки и възстановяване след травми.

Класически масаж

Традиционен масаж за облекчаване на стрес и мускулна болка.

Hands appear to be performing a massage technique on a person's back, with fingers pressing into the back near the shoulders. The person receiving the massage is laying on a soft surface with their face turned to the side.
Hands appear to be performing a massage technique on a person's back, with fingers pressing into the back near the shoulders. The person receiving the massage is laying on a soft surface with their face turned to the side.
A close-up of a person's back being massaged, highlighting the tactile interaction and the gentle touch involved in the massage process.
A close-up of a person's back being massaged, highlighting the tactile interaction and the gentle touch involved in the massage process.

Специализирани техники за възстановяване и подобряване на подвижността след травми.

Индивидуални терапии

Персонализирани решения за вашето здраве.


A person is receiving a hot stone massage, lying on a massage table with several smooth, dark stones placed along their bare back. A therapist's hand is visible applying pressure to an arm. A pink flower is tucked behind the person's ear, and the setting appears to be a spa environment.
A person is receiving a hot stone massage, lying on a massage table with several smooth, dark stones placed along their bare back. A therapist's hand is visible applying pressure to an arm. A pink flower is tucked behind the person's ear, and the setting appears to be a spa environment.
A person is lying face down on a comfortable surface, receiving a massage from another individual's hands. The setting appears calm and serene, with soft lighting enhancing the relaxed atmosphere. The person receiving the massage has closed eyes, indicating a state of relaxation.
A person is lying face down on a comfortable surface, receiving a massage from another individual's hands. The setting appears calm and serene, with soft lighting enhancing the relaxed atmosphere. The person receiving the massage has closed eyes, indicating a state of relaxation.
A person is lying face down on a massage table, receiving a back massage from another person. The individual receiving the massage has long hair and is wearing a black shirt. The person giving the massage is dressed in a white shirt and has their hands placed on the back of the individual lying down. The setting appears calm and therapeutic.
A person is lying face down on a massage table, receiving a back massage from another person. The individual receiving the massage has long hair and is wearing a black shirt. The person giving the massage is dressed in a white shirt and has their hands placed on the back of the individual lying down. The setting appears calm and therapeutic.

Визуални моменти от нашите терапии и услуги.

Най-добрият! Много внимателен и отговорен! Оценка 10 от 10, да е жив и здрав!

Кирил Копривленски

A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.
A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.
